活动信息 | Event Info
- 时间: 2019年2月24日,上午9点半-下午4点
- 地点: 上海市浦东新区世纪大道1555号,上海纽约大学,8楼,交互媒体艺术系
- Time: February 24, 2019 @ 9:30AM - 4PM
- Location: NYU Shanghai, Interacitve Media Arts, 8th Floor, 1555 Century Ave, Pudong Xinqu, Shanghai, 200122
日程表 | Schedule

公开征集 | Open Call
Processing上海社区日将为期一天的活动,包括关于创意编程的讲座,工作坊和展览。具体信息请参见我们的微信公众号文章。如果你有兴趣提供讲座,工作坊和展览内容,请填写我们公开征集的报名表。或者将希望参加的项目,个人介绍,作品介绍,以及一张作品图片集合在一个PDF文档中, 发送至我们的官方邮箱。截止日期2019年2月1日。
PCD Shanghai is one-day event including talks, workshops and showcases. For more detailed programming, please see our post on Wechat. If you are interested in giving a talk, hosting a workshop, or showcasing your work, please fill out this Open Call Form. Or send your personal intro and portfolio in one pdf file to our email. Application deadline is Feb 1, 2019.
门票 | Ticket
Processing Community Day is a day to celebrate art, code, and diversity. This event is free to public. The tickets are all sold out currently. Please follow our official Wechat account (link at the bottom of the page)for the mosted updated ticket info.
组织者 | Organizers
Processing社区日是由志愿者组织的活动。 Processing上海社区日的组织者为 Qianqian Ye, Chang Liu, Yuli Cai. 如果你有兴趣参与的话,请跟我们联系。
Processing Community Day is a volunteer-organized event. PCD Shanghai organizers are Qianqian Ye, Chang Liu, and Yuli Cai. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.
什么是 Processing? | What is Processing?
Processing是一个免费的开源软件平台,用于学习如何在Casey Reas和Ben Fry创建的视觉艺术环境中进行编码。它还有一个名为p5.js的网页版本,Python中的Processing.py,以及Processing for Android,和Processing for Pi。这些版本由 The Processing Foundation 维护,并由全球艺术家,编码人员,教育工作者和学生社区使用。
Processing is a free and open-source software platform for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts, created by Casey Reas and Ben Fry. It is complemented by a web implementation called p5.js, Processing.py in Python, Processing for Android, and Processing for Pi. These implementations are maintained by The Processing Foundation and used by a worldwide community of artists, coders, educators, and students.
行为准则 | Code of Conduct
We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for all attendees. We will be enforcing the Conference Code of Conduct.